Social Media Campaign for People’s Constitutional Party President

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Social Media Campaign for President of the People’s Constitutional Party of the United States of America.

This year’s Presidential election for the United States of America has once again been given without even a challenge to the Democrat/Republican controlled infrastructure; the vast majority of whom are all members of “secret societies” ranging from “Skull and Bones” to “Illuminati ” to local “Masonic” foot soldiers thereof.

The 2024 election for the President of the United States is being contested by Donald Trump and Joe Biden unless the Democrat party replace him.

The PCP USA has no Candidates in this race between those two men.

The PCP USA supports 100% the election of Donald Trump to become the next President of the United States.

But, that by no means infers the purposed cause of the PCP to be muted into irrelevancy; and there are two reasons for this statement.

  1. The PCP from its inception was created as a political weapon not simply to elect persons in hopes that they will make all things well. It is created to restore Constitutionality via enforced accountability of those that hold office.

Indeed, what a waste of potentiality the abandonment of the political unionization of our Felons Union would be. Now that Trump is a felon himself, and he has experienced upon a personal level the malicious prosecutions routinely conducted by the “Court Corporations” run by corrupt judges with absolute immunity from violating their Oath of Office, one would think that he would realize that a “label” is not a “person”. But also, upon seeing the estimated 40,000,000 felon force of persuasion being enacted to launch Trump into the White House, the reality that the PCP “Snake” can consume the “Donkey” and the “Elephant” will become abundantly more clear.

(As I write this from the town of Butler, Pennsylvania on 7/13/24, former President Donald Trump was just shot at the Butler Farm Show about 4 miles away.)

  1. It is abundantly clear that this Nation requires a steady perseverance from four divisions of people. Those that see the eradication of Constitutional Rights by an increasingly corrupt and authoritarian government, those that see the alarming moral and intellectual decline of the population, those that took a vow to prevent what we see occurring, and every convicted felon that is willing to enlist for their Rights. It should also be abundantly clear that Trump cannot take on the entrenched “Deep State” on his own from the way they attacked him incessantly through multiple federal and state agencies.

His election isn’t the end of this cold civil war that grips this Nation any more than the Marines won Iwo Jima upon their landing upon the beach. Nope. Upon taking the beach they had to fight a so deeply entrenched underground enemy that they used flame throwers to burn them out of their holes.

America’s appropriated Mental Health Czar Rachel Levinne

(America’s appropriated Mental Health Czar Rachel Levinne)

The fruit that these trees bear to anyone but an imbecile indicate that there is something very wrong.

Little Boys under the influence of Federal and State indoctrination

(Little Boys under the influence of Federal and State indoctrination.)

The arenas of social reformation that require attention are truly varied and many. Each having its own characteristics and remedy in course of action, and each according to its traits will be best handled by a concentrated effort of persons from different PCP groupings (ie… Spiritual-Patriot-Prior Service-Felon.)

Each of the above four mentioned possess their own unique dispositions, psychological profile, capabilities within the spheres of their daily operations that the others do not, and each have their own personal agendas. He who would become the President of the PCP USA would be required to officiate, indoctrinate, and coordinate the collective minds of each of the PCP groupings into one unified will and political accord.

Although the current grass roots concept of the PCP’s county by county approach is the most feasible and is currently ready for full evocation into the political arena; the main pillar of the People’s Constitutional Party is to restore the Constitutional integrity as was created and was intended by the Framers of the Constitution.

When the Framers of the Constitution were debating the nature of the Republic to be, there was a politically divisive form of thought between the Citizens. In order for security, the general welfare of the People, and the international recognition as a Nation; a union of the States was required. This one issue created a polarity between what was known as the “Federalists” and the “Anti-Federalists.” This issue was brought to an agreement; howbeit by strict rules that in order to make the Citizen the Sovereign, forbid the Federal government to ever make a law forbidding or violating any of the inalienable Rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights.

Right now in the United States there is a polarity of “Federalists” and “Anti-Federalists.” The “Federalists” believe in the integrity and truth of what they are told by media, and concur with, or totally refuse to acknowledge that the US government might be corrupt. The “Anti-Federalists” are convinced that the Federal and State governments have become infiltrated by many private and even foreign self-seeking enterprises that have thoroughly corrupted it from within.

The People’s Constitutional Party is “Anti-Federalist” from its very inception. It was the “Anti-Federalists” who for concern for the Rights of the People insisted the Bill of Rights was written with a Preamble thereto that inscribed them as “Declaratory and Restrictive Clauses” which meant that the Constitution forbid the Federal government from ever making a law under any pretense forbidding or infringing upon the God given Rights.

The Democrats and the Republicans are “Federalists.” The “Federalists” at the time of the signing of the Bill of Rights, were against it because they claimed that such an enumeration would enable a future Congress to attack the said Rights, and therefore nullify them as Rights and reduce them to privileges such as were enjoyed by the King and his friends that they could revoke at will. That which the “Federalists” had in their minds back then, is that which rules the minds and operations of the Federal government today.

There is, however, a big difference between the two time periods. Both “Federalists” and “Anti-Federalists” of that day were involved in the Revolutionary War, and that meant that they were militia. The British accused them of being “felons,” and actors of “infamous crimes” and ordered an immediate seizure of all their firearms. When those men declared that the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms shall not be Infringed, they meant just that; and if they were alive today they would join the PCP.

As noted, the PCP provides hope and caters to four distinct groups (spiritual-patriot-prior service-felon.) Felons, which I consider to be a major artery of this political body, and their political unionization must be treated as an imperative. With an estimated one out of eight men in America a felon in 2018, the sheer force of combined family and friends wanting to see mandatory expungements upon completion of sentence with Second Amendment Rights restored is unstoppable.

The Gun Control Act of 1968 was a deliberate attack on the Second Amendment by the same group of men that killed John Kennedy, launched Operation Mockingbird whereby which they took over the media, botched the Bay of Pigs, Killed Bobby Kennedy, created a pharmaceutical industry that damages people more than helps them, took over the food industry (see free documentary “Food Inc.”), have been waging wars for their own profit, giving billions away to foreigners while leaving Americans homeless, have created a massive prison industry that incarcerates more people that Russia and China’s prisons combined, and have been flooding America with drugs since the Iran-Contra and Air America days. We’ll call them the “Deep State” because they are beyond the CIA, FBI, DEA, NSA, etc.. They have been appointed into the Federal and State courts, they have entered the legislatures, and the local, state, and federal police agencies will kill you for them. You really think none of those characters knew about Epstein or the Clinton death count?

Have you seen how the British and Australian police turned on their People to disarm and disperse any protesters complete with detention? The governments of Britain and Australia are heavily infiltrated by Freemasonry, and their governments have become authoritarian. What was done to those peoples is slowly being done within the US.

But if spiritual judgment begins in the House of God, then political reformation begins with accountability of all persons who are acting “Under Color of Law” by a sworn Oath of Office to protect enforce the Supreme Law of the Land which is the Constitution of We the People.

Although I, Matthew P. Dec, am the Founder from whose mind the idea of the PCP was formed, I realize that this project can be better handled and more expediently launched by someone else. Obviously, it would be foolish to transfer the political and economic potential to just anyone with money to pay me as would a political prostitute. For which cause, after considering that that which was created was created for the People, I decided that it should be the People who decide by election.

The site, which manifests the doctrine and political strategy of the PCP, upon review will be instantly recognized of strong Napoleon Hill influence. For those that share the belief that “what the mind can conceive the mind can achieve,” and share a strong desire to create a political force capable of political reformation, and have a strong desire to share in media revenue, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity with the potential of being a candidate for the President of the United States in 2028. And, via the social media platform, the campaign costs are nullified and replaced with add revenue. This electoral process will be composed of another twelve Candidates who by their joining this political venture automatically become beneficiaries of the economy generated thereby.

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